
Friday, April 10, 2020

Jesus Said There Would Be Times Like This – Coronavirus COVID-19 Series

Is this Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic a sign of the Biblically prophesied End Times? (Tweet that) Many people are wondering and asking me what I think. An interesting question on Good Friday.

The final week of Jesus’ life, his disciples asked him what would be the signs of the End Times and his second coming. His answer was recorded by three different writers in three parallel passages: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21.

Regarding pandemics or plagues, he used a word translated “pestilences” in Luke 21:11:
“There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.”
Interestingly, that word “pestilences” wasn’t translated into English in Matthew or Mark.

Here’s a recent article I found that goes deeper into the words Jesus used in his prophecy of pestilences and their translation in regards to COVID-19 Coronavirus:
The question for me here is not whether or not there will be plagues in the End Times, but rather, is this plague what the Bible refers to? (Tweet that)

I can't say I know for sure. I’m not sure anyone knows at this point. My thought, though, is no, it's not. Because I think in the End Times, circumstances will be even worse than they are right now. But I do believe this is a precursor, what the Bible calls a “birth pang.” (Tweet that)  We will talk more about birth pains in the next post.

What do we know for sure? We know this is new. This is different. This is something we have not experienced before. (Tweet that)

Our current older generation is that which witnessed Nazi Germany, the invasion of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, and fought World War II. Many of them were young during the Great Depression. Some of them were born by World War 1. So that generation has seen a lot. And yet this is new and different even for them.

God sometimes lets bad things happen because often people don’t seek him when times are good.

Is God trying to get our attention? Always. Has he got yours? If yes, what are you going to do with that? (Tweet that)


If you have never done so, why not ask the Lord Jesus into your life today? How do you do that? He is all knowing and present everywhere at once, so he will hear your prayer. Ask him to forgive all your sins – this is why he died on the cross. Then ask him to come into your life and teach you how to live for him. You can acknowledge him as your savior right now, wherever you are. Then record this date in your Bible or somewhere special so you will always remember this moment.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26, ESV.
Jesus said there would be times like this Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and, like birth pains, they will escalate in frequency and intensity. Are you ready to trust Jesus through them? It's a good thing to start today, on Good Friday.




  1. Interesting. I'm a Christian and feel the same. You still have blogspot? Mine got taken down as they said they all would be moved, but i didn't know where.

  2. Hi Anita. I didn't see such a message (but then I don't read all the email I get any more so it may have passed by). Google owns blogger/blogspot so I don't know why they would take it down. I did a quick internet search for "did blogger move?" and "did blogger get taken down" and didn't find anything. There was an article on blogger Help called "My blog disappeared" about how to recover a lost blog. I hope that helps.
