Thursday, March 24, 2016

Another "Blood Moon" Total Lunar Eclipse Took Place Last Night for Purim (Video Post)

Lance Wallnau image from Youtube
Another "Blood Moon" total lunar eclipse took place last night. We are currently in the midst of the Jewish holy days of Purim. (Tweet that!)

It looks like the total lunar eclipse was visible mostly over Europe and Africa, not here in the United States.

I've been watching the beautiful full moon the last few days and thinking of the four eclipses the last two years, but this eclipse was news to me. (Tweet that!) A friend sent me this video. It's from Lance Wallnau, whom I had not heard of before, but you can bet I'll be looking into him.

This video runs about 23 minutes. (Warning and disclaimer: about the last 3 minutes are advertising for his training and trips. I'm not endorsing that.)

Purim is the remembrance and celebration of how God saved the Jewish people from the evil plot of Haman told in the Bible's book of Esther. Purim is not one of the 7 Feasts of the LORD (which my newest e-book teaches about) which were instituted in the time of Moses, but is an additional holiday instituted in the time of Esther and Mordecai (much like Hanukkah was given in the "time between the Testaments" during the time of the Maccabees.)

Here is a new site I found with information on coming lunar eclipses:

My thanks to Angela for alerting me to this "Blood Moon" total lunar eclipse on Purim and sending the video!!

(Update 6/10/20: Video no longer available.)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Introducing New E-Book in the "Best of the Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Blog Series": The 7 Feasts of the LORD

The 7 Feasts of the LORD
Released March 17, 2016

Introducing the newest e-book: The 7 Feasts of the LORD

The newest Kindle e-book gleaned from the most popular posts on this blog is now available!

Get yours today and study just in time for Easter.

This is the third in my series, "Best of Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Blog."

If you've ever wondered what the seven Feasts of the LORD are, what they mean, or why they're important, you won't want to miss this e-book.

Its short chapters are easy to read. It covers all 7 of the Feasts. You'll learn what each of the Feasts are, where they came from, and how they relate to Jesus. You'll see how the first four Feasts were fulfilled when Jesus came and walked the earth and in his death and resurrection.

You'll also learn how the last three Feasts not only teach and prepare us for, they also predict, His second coming.

Learn how these Feasts are connected to the Blood Moons you heard so much about in 2014 and 2015, which were the subject of an earlier Kindle e-book in this series.

All this plus a brand new Leader's Guide is included exclusively in this e-book. You'll be equipped to easily share the information with your family, friends, Bible study group or class. Find the answers to questions with one click.

Order your copy right now. Get it now since it released on March 17, 2016.

Please share with your friends: (Tweet this!)

Order here today:  The 7 Feasts of the LORD

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Announcement regarding the Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Blog -- And a Boatload of Bible Prophecy Info

Here we are at the beginning of a new year, a time when many people look forward and make decisions about what they want to accomplish in the coming 12 months.

For me, that list seems endless. I've got several projects that are half done, including the third book in the "Best of the Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Blog" series, which is titled "The 7 Feasts of the LORD."

I have many more projects in the works that truly are begging for my attention.

I love blogging about prophecy but I find I am constantly scrambling to keep up with this blog and don't have enough time to finish the other projects.

So for a time (yet to be determined), I'm going to put blogging new posts here on hold so that I can go off and concentrate on creating more content for you, content that I believe you will learn from and enjoy.

In the mean time, there is already a massive amount of information about Bible prophecy and what's going on in the world on this blog which I hope you'll discover for the first time or revisit and review.

I hope to pop in from time to time and let you know my progress on the other projects or give some comments on what's going on in the world. There is so much happening it's hard for me to stop commenting -- even for a time!

  • The first trading day of the New Year saw stock markets plunge after China's falling market triggered automatic suspension protocols to protect their markets. This triggered down markets around the world... (See the posts on the Shemitah for more info. Use the search box in the upper right column to search them out -- search term: Shemitah).
  • North Korea claims to have detonated a hydrogen bomb, but that claim is being met with skepticism at this point. 

These are just a few of the world news stories that have occurred since the first of the year and I am, of course, wanting to comment on them all and relate them to Bible prophecy, but I simply can't keep up! 

So please poke around this site to read the numerous articles that are already here. 

Please stop by often to stay abreast of any new content.

And I'll let you know when I have news on my progress on my third book in the  "Best of the Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Blog" series.

Thank you! And may God richly bless your 2016.