Thursday, October 1, 2015

Two things that Give Me Hope - #1 War Room (Videos)

My family recently saw the movie "War Room." This movie is all about prayer and how to fight what we cannot fight otherwise by pursuing God's help through prayer. (Tweet that!) At the end it ALSO encourages each person to mentor one person in learning to fight through the power or prayer. (Tweet that!)

This gives me hope for our nation.

The four total lunar eclipses on the first and last Jewish holy days have come and gone. The Shemitah has come and gone and we are now entering the Jubilee year. Nothing changes those facts. If any or all of these are warnings from God, then those warnings still stand. (Tweet that!) However...

Even within warnings from God, and even within God's judgment, God is able to protect those who belong to Him. (Tweet that!)

This movie gives me hope for America: That those who belong to God will fight more fiercely and more powerfully for our Christian nation. (Tweet that!) No matter what happens as we move forward into whatever is coming.

Here's the movie trailer:

Have you seen "War Room" yet? This movie is making a major impact. Check out how the movie "War Room" affected this man (Tweet that!):

This movie is getting reviews likes that all over America. I recommend you see this movie. And pray for our leaders and for America. And for our Presidential candidates for next year's election. Please. (Tweet that!)

And speaking of the Presidential candidates for next year's election...that gives me hope too. Please come back for the next post and we'll talk about it.

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