Thursday, October 30, 2014

The "Tree of Hope" at Ground Zero Refuses to Grow

Statue made from roots of felled
sycamore tree at Ground Zero.
"Tree at Trinity Church"
by Navendu shirali
Public domain via Wikimedia Commons 
In my previous post, we talked about the death of the "Tree of Hope," which was planted at the site of the fallen Twin Towers at Ground Zero in New York City.

This "Tree of Hope" was a cedar tree that replaced a sycamore tree that was knocked down when the Twin Towers fell on September 11, 2001. (Tweet that!)

A recent article posted at on August 9, 2014, offers a great deal more information. Here is a portion of the article, "'Harbinger' author says loss of 'Tree of Hope' a warning" (Tweet that!):

His work examines the nine harbingers, or warnings, recorded in the Bible that were delivered to Israel before the nation disintegrated. He contends God is giving the same nine warnings now to America to urge the nation to repent. 
One of the harbingers was a sycamore tree at Ground Zero, which after the destruction of the Twin Towers was replaced by an evergreen, a move Cahn believes follows the Isaiah prophecy.

There is so much more information in the article, you simply have to check it out. If you would like a computer voice to read this article for you, that's available here but it doesn't read all of it:

Hear the "Harbinger" article about the death of the Tree of Hope read aloud here.    (Tweet that!)

The article continues:

"The ancient sign of nearing national judgment has been manifested. The erez tree has fallen. The seventh harbinger now speaks of impending judgment. The Tree of Hope, the symbol of America’s resurgence … is dead,” he explained." 
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Read more in the article.

Summing up the meaning of the death and destruction of the Tree of Hope, the article says:

Cahn says America is uncannily re-enacting ancient Israel’s behavior prior to its judgment and eventual fall.  
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Related Article:

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