Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Where the 4th Lunar Eclipse Will be Visible - Amazing Worldwide Event #4 in 2015 Linked to Bible Prophecy

You will be able to see this #4 total lunar eclipse in the series of four from most of North America, South America, Europe, west Asia, and parts of Africa. (Tweet that!

There's one fact about this total lunar eclipse compared to the #3 eclipse in April that I find fascinating. (Tweet that!) While both eclipses will last near the same about of time from beginning to end, there's a large difference in the amount of time the moon will be totally eclipsed -- called the "totality" phase.

From beginning to end, the eclipse will last:

  • 3rd Lunar Eclipse in the tetrad, April 4, 2015:  3 hours and 29 minutes
  • 4th Lunar Eclipse in the tetrad, Sept. 28, 2015: 3 hours and 20 minutes

The moon will be totally eclipsed (totality):
  • 3rd Lunar Eclipse in the tetrad, April 4, 2015:  about 5 minutes
  • 4th Lunar Eclipse in the tetrad, Sept. 28, 2015: about 1 hour and 12 minutes
I'm sure there's a scientific reason for this having to do with the positions of the earth and moon. Is there a spiritual reason? (Tweet that!) For example a longer extension of time in totality being relevant to how dire the warning is? (Tweet that!) Or possibly relevant to how much closer we are to...whatever is going to happen next? (Tweet that!) Remember this is the fourth and final of these four total lunar eclipses.

I don't know any answers to these questions, but it's interesting to contemplate.

You can learn more about this eclipse here: (Tweet that!)

Come back in two days and we'll speculate on what life might be like after this coming fourth lunar eclipse in September that may be linked to Bible prophecy.

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