End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of Messiah's Return |
[Joel Richardson narrating on the DVD:] "Mr. Oktar even went to far as to claim that during the time of the Mahdi, humans and Djin, essentially the Muslim version of demons, freely communicate and interact. Mr. Oktar even went to far as to claim that Djin would play a premier role in causing Islam to prevail throughout the world."
[Joel Richardson speaking to Oktar on the set of the TV show:] "You mentioned that during the time of the Mahdi, that the Djin would freely interact with the humans and that they would be able to freely communicate. Could you explain that in a little more detail?"
[Adnar Oktar, Turkish Muslim Leader, Television Host as translated and captioned on DVD]: "Yes, the Mahdi will communicate with the djinns. Mahdi is the leader of both djinns and of men. Muslim djinns, djinns that believe in God, will assist the Muslims in making Islam prevail throughout the world."
Here's my recap of some of the twisted lies Muslim believe that we've learned about:
- The Mahdi (Muslim religious / military / political leader) will rule the world from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,
- He will accomplish this along with the "Muslim Jesus" who will return to earth to tell everyone he never died on the cross and everyone should convert to Islam (something the true Jesus would never say or do)
- and the Mahdi will accomplish all this with help of Djinn which are the Muslim version of demons.
Do not be deceived. Someone called "Jesus" working along side demons to rule the world? This is not the real Jesus. This is pure evil.
The true Jesus is the Light of the World. Evil is darkness. Here's a word from the true Word of God:
What fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ [Jesus] with Belial [Satan]?
Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?
What agreement has the temple of God with idols?
Joel Richardson discusses more about Muslim expectations concerning their two primary Messiah figures. (Tweet this!)
Muslims believe Djin demons will help Islam prevail throughout the world. #ChristiansNeedToKnow (Tweet this!)
Muslims believe their Mahdi will communicate with djinns (demons) who believe in God. (Tweet this!)
Muslims believe djinns (demons) who believe in God will assist Islam in prevailing throughout the world. (Tweet this!)
Muslims believe their Mahdi will communicate with djinns (demons) who believe in God. (Tweet this!)
Muslims believe djinns (demons) who believe in God will assist Islam in prevailing throughout the world. (Tweet this!)
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